When laying a loved one to rest we want to be sure that their memorial will last for many years to come. Yet, many headstone bases end up giving way, leading to memorials and headstones that end up crooked and leaning over. Cemeteries are full of memorials sitting at strange angles or, in the worst cases, fallen over. But, some memorials never have this problem and remain sturdy and upright throughout the years. Why do these memorials remain stable while others collapse? How can we keep headstones at the right level? Here are some reasons why headstone bases give way and advice on how best to maintain their structure.

Why Do Headstone Bases Lose Their Structure?

headstone foundations

One of the main reasons that headstone bases lose structure and lean over is the state of the ground itself. With so many graves being dug, some end up being poorly filled after burial. This can be due to inaccurate digging, or soil between two graves collapsing and making the ground unstable. Even where those involved have taken care to maintain their structure, headstones can end up sinking due to other factors. Eventually, the buried coffin collapses and the ground sinks, causing the memorial to sink with it. Cemeteries built on uneven ground, such as hills and slopes, risk falling headstones due to gravity, along with the effects of rain and erosion. Finally, underground water, tree roots and vibrations from nearby roads and railways can all cause the ground to move and affect the structure of headstones.

How to Maintain A Memorial

Here are some things to consider when maintaining headstone bases:


At JKH we have a wide selection of steel reinforced concrete foundations and bases for headstones and memorials. To browse our range of headstone foundations or for more information, visit us online or speak with one of our friendly team via the phone today.

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