Curve Back General Purpose Headwall

Pipe sizes: Up to 150mm, designed to be used where the drain run enters the water course at an angle.

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Marker and Hydrant Posts

A range of marker posts can be supplied with virtually any information shown on them. Please enquire for any special requirements.

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Octagonal Junction Box

Ideal for connecting laterals to a main drain. Often used with ducting for underground cable installation (minimum cover 560mm). For pipes up to 150mm.

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Type X Silt Trap Inlet

A two-piece reinforced concrete unit with hinged grating and generous silt capacity. Any size of pipe opening up to a maximum of 750mm O.D.

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Vermin Gates

Stainless steel hinged gratings for attaching directly to pipes.

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Kwikfit Headwall

Light weight headwall for 1½ to 1 batters, up to 150mm pipes.

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Sectional Junction Box

Sectional chamber with internal dimensions 610mm x 460mm. suitable for pipes up to 290mm OD.

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Trench Bridge Beam

Strongly reinforced concrete beam designed to carry drain runs across unstable areas of ground.

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Two Piece Heavy duty silt trap

Sturdy reinforced concrete structures for use on larger diameter pipes and ideally suited for use in water courses with higher velocities of water flow.

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Cattle drinking Trough Stands

Free standing pre-cast concrete stands and bolts.

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Dyketector range

A system of jointed channels designed to receive the flow from a drainage pipe and discharge it directly into the water course thus preventing any erosion of the embankment.

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Sectional Inspection Chamber

Sectional chamber with internal dimensions 915mm x 685mm with 300mm silt capacity. suitable for pipes up to 380mm OD.

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Anti erosion Channel

Used below a drainage outfall to protect the embankment from erosion.

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Meter Chamber & Stop cock box tops

Water supply units.

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Type X headwall

A one-piece reinforced concrete headwall available in three different widths to suit pipes up to 1400mm OD.

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Big J Inspection Chamber

A two-piece chamber where the base is integral with the sides.

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View our complete range of products here, including drainage outfalls, silt traps, gratings and vermin gates, and many more concrete and steel units.


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