
Top Tips for Land Drainage Solutions

August 16th, 2021

In order to keep your plants and landscapes healthy you need to ensure you have the right land drainage solutions in place. Proper drainage is vital for the wellbeing and longevity of your land. Therefore, here are some of our top land drainage solutions to keep your plants growing well.

Check Water Course

One of the first things to check is the watercourse that receives the water from the outflow. Ensure that this course is free of any silt or debris so that the water can run freely and not build up near the outflow. You can ensure the course is free of debris by carefully scooping it out with an excavator.

Examine Outfalls

The next step of your drainage solution should be to check the outfall itself and see if it is running freely. If not, roots, branches, dead animals or other materials may be blocking the flow. Use tools such as jetters, rods, root cutters and excavation equipment to ensure that the outfall remains clear.

Test Soil

Not all soil is good for maintaining drainage systems, and if the soil structure is weak, it may cause damage. Wet spots on your land or plants not growing well may indicate that drainage has been damaged. Test the soil structure regularly and carry out maintenance with a digger when soil conditions are favourable.

Avoid Foundations

Another drainage problem that can occur is if water pools up around the foundations of a structure. These can cause the structure to weaken and the foundation to fail. The drainage solutions for this issue are to either elevate the foundation at the time of construction or use grading or sub-surface drainage to create a way for water to flow away from the foundations.

Plant Layout

The design of your crop layout or plant bed can also cause potential problems for drainage. If the layout is done incorrectly it can impede water flow. This can cause it to either pool up and drown your plants or flow elsewhere and cause damage. Therefore, you should always measure your layout properly taking any slopes into account to ensure water flows correctly.

Water Traps

concrete headwall

If your land is not graded correctly, water can pool up in depressions that will kill your plants and lead to marshy conditions. These pools of excess water are known as water traps. One drainage solution is to install creek beds that allow water to move to the surface while still having aesthetic appeal. Alternatively, pumps can help remove excess water in extreme cases.

JKH Drainage

Here at JKH we make a range of solutions for drainage issues, including both small and large general-purpose headwalls. In addition, we offer a selection of pre-cast concrete products including silt traps, memorial bases, and more. To find out more about our range of precast concrete drainage channels we invite you to get in touch with us online or via phone today.

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